(PRWEB) Knowing your body fat percentage guides you to the most effective weight by keeping track of the amount of fat lost. This is usually determined as a percentage of body fat a person is carrying in proportion to their actual weight. Widely available and inexpensive body fat monitors provide this information. [Read more…]
Reality Of Fat And Happy
Before discovering the Every Other Day Diet, fitness pro Jon Benson was “obese.” Now he’s on magazine covers. It goes to show you what you can do if you set your mind to it. He found out what all the popular weight loss programs miss. It comes down to the crucial concept of combining what you eat with when you eat. Read more to find out what this means and how you can benefit from it. [Read more…]
Belly Fat Tea For Losing Weight
Finding the best belly fat tea can be a challenge. The word tea loosely refers to any herbal material that can be steeped in hot water and used as a beverage. Nutrition stores and supermarkets have whole sections of different teas that offer multitudes of different kinds of herbs and herb blends for making teas. Here is what you must know to get the right one for losing belly fat. [Read more…]
Myth Of Meal Frequency For Fat Loss
Higher meal frequency is supposed to drive fat loss. This is a myth. Assumptions and logic that underlie this strategy are oversimplified and incorrect. Unfortunately, the advice to eat more often has become dogma. Here is the truth that you should know about it.
- Image via Wikipedia
The first article below is near and dear to my heart because it cites actual scientific research and provides the original articles. I just love that! The second article is pretty much on target, except that I am critical of the high-protein approach that the author advocates. That is a topic for another day.
Logic Does Not Apply Part 1: Meal Frequency
The number of meals per day didn’t even affect what type of weight the participants lost—all of them lost the same amount of weight and the same amount of fat regardless of meal frequency. They tested about everything you can imagine in …
Publish Date: 07/08/2010 10:55
Exploding Nutrition Myths #2: The myth of meal frequency and …
Many of you enjoyed my first ‘Exploding Nutrition Myths’ installment on agave nectar and the glycemic index. The next myth that needs to be exposed is the.
Publish Date: 08/17/2010 12:06
Physiology of Meal Frequency
Spacing meals appropriately has important consequences for how much and when your body secretes the key hormones for balanced metabolism. These hormones are insulin, leptin, and growth hormone. Eating frequent meals undermines the benefits of these hormones. The net result is fat gain and poor health.
By the way, the whole idea of spacing meals, even fasting at the right times, is the main premise for the Eat Stop Eat book that I like so much. Click on this link (or the image in the right column above) now to get more information about it: Eat Stop Eat Information.
For good meal frequency,
Dr. D
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Failure Of Natural Weight Loss Supplements
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