Getting rid of fat, part 8. My free belly fat book talks about the research behind the most important missing mineral in your diet for fat loss. [Read more…]
Useless Rapid Weight Loss Tips
Weight loss tips are everywhere, and not all of them can possibly be correct. Useless ones should be obvious. Mostly they are just superficial and unhelpful. Sometimes they are even idiotic. See what you think about this list, then get my scientific perspective of it.
- Image by tarikgore1 via Flickr
5 Essential Steps To Lose Belly Fat
I had problems with belly fat a few months ago because I neglected my body by not exercising properly, eating the wrong kind of food and partying too much. When I finally realized my folly, I had to work very hard to bring back my body, …
Publish Date: 08/26/2010 5:16
My Perspective
The five essential steps include 2 things to do (more or less helpful) and 3 things to not do (not helpful at all). They are:
Exercise: Maybe a good step. It could speed up your metabolism, although you would have to take in more calories to account for such a change. The most important exercise is probably bouncing on a trampoline for 10 minutes a day, if only because it stimulates your lymphatic system.
Eat healthy foods: Obviously. However, the list recommends such no-no foods as pasta and rice (regardless of the color). Grains are a downer in general, so avoid them. Animal-based foods are not so hot, either.
Avoid spot reduction: Okay. If you are already not spot reducing (which nobody can do, anyway), this recommendation will not be helpful.
Drink less alcohol: Maybe okay. It depends on how much you are already drinking. I have 1-3 light beers per day (not that awful stuff by Budweiser or Coors!), and I do just fine keeping my target weight. This is a minor variable.
Do not starve yourself: This is silly, since who is going to do that anyway? Starvation diets just lower your metabolism, undermine any kind of exercise that you are doing, and make life miserable.
Oh, by the way… The purpose of the article above is not to give good rapid weight loss tips. The purpose is to get you to click on the link to a sales page for a book called Strip That Fat ($47). This is one of those high-priced ebooks that I look at periodically. It is a great sales page, so go ahead and take a look at it. I’ll let you decide whether it is worth your while. It isn’t worth mine.
How About Something New And Actually Helpful?
Tips entailing exercise and diet are generally dogmatic and often incorrect. The least known fat loss tip that I have discovered, which is truly helpful, involves WHEN to eat instead of what or how much. I call this “The Most Overlooked Fat Loss Secret Ever” (my words). I describe some of the main research on this variable in my “5 Steps to a Slimmer and Healthier You” report. The best coverage of the how and why of meal spacing for fat loss is the Eat Stop Eat program that I put on the top right of this page.
I really encourage you take a hard look at that protocol. It will be a very pleasant surprise for you.
All the best rapid weight loss tips,
Dr. D
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Coconut Oil , Weight Loss and Heart Health – An Unlikely …
Coconut oil has been found to aid the body in destroying dozens of harmful viruses, supports the immune system, improves chronic fatigue, boosts energy and will even help you lose excess body fat. Dr. Mary G. Enig, one of the world’s …
Publish Date: 06/07/2010 5:00
Boost Your Metabolism with Coconut Oil! » Mary, Fallon, Sally …
This rise in temperature indicates higher metabolic activity caused by better thyroid functioning, revealing how coconut oil helps your thyroid and boosts your metabolism More in the book Eat Fat, Lose Fat by Sally Fallon and Dr. Mary …
Publish Date: 06/07/2010 4:34
Weight Loss – The benefits of Coconut Oil Review
Bonnie90505 on September 6, 2009 at 6:40 am. I love coconut oil for weigh loss as a benefit and also so many others as you mention, good job spreading the word. hotandfitbabe on October 10, 2009 at 12:31 am. Don’t Be fat any longer ! …
Publish Date: 06/07/2010 6:31
Virgin Coconut Oil Health Benefits explained by Dr Talbot Review
The opposite, coconut oil helps boost your metabolism and thus help lose weight. Stonewalljackson7 on November 4, 2009 at 5:12 pm. I use a lot of coconut flour for the fiber. any other benefits? germanicelt on November 27, 2009 at 1:47 pm. I take my coconut oil with some raw cocoa powder … The body does not recognize xylitol as anything useful and treats it as a pathogen (stores it in FAT to keep it away from internal organs) – same goes for all artificial sweeteners. …
Publish Date: 06/07/2010 4:24
Success with coconut oil dieting,
Dr. D
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