Body fat loss is a hot topic in scientific research. Most of the research is hard to find and even harder to understand for the non-scientist. That is why I have gathered the best research available, which taxpayers have already paid for, and put it into a downloadable book with easy to understand advice at no charge.
I have divided the topic of body fat loss into five main steps. Each step gives you the best information that I could find in the scientific literature. Keep in mind that the information is general, which means that specific applications will vary depending on your particular health status.
Step 1. Eating to Burn Fat
This step includes the best fat burning foods, the best eating pattern (when to eat for optimum fat burning), and how many calories are ideal for you. Scientific studies really clear up some common confusion here.
Step 2. Fat Burning Supplements
Topics include why there is no silver bullet that solves everything, regardless of what you read about Hoodia and other so called miracle weight loss pills. Supplementation the right way will boost your metabolism, control your appetite and blood sugar, shrink fat cells, alleviate fat triggering stress, and provide the key missing mineral that your fat burning furnace depends on. You can get a head start on what my best supplement recommedations are in the Weight Management Supplements list here at Doctors Nutrition Center.
Step 3. Fat Burning Exercises That Really Work
You will be pleasantly surprised how simple it is to do the right exercises for burning fat. Not ab crunches. Not sweating at a gym for hours on end. In fact, not strenuous at all. The absolutely best scientific research for exercising to burn fat is easy yet brisk for all ages, youth to seniors (even up to age 92!), regardless of whether you have painful joints that keep you from walking or working out.
Step 4. Stress, The Most Overlooked Cause of Fat
What you must do to prevent stress from undermining your best efforts to burn fat even though you are eating right, taking the best supplements, and doing the right exercises. This is a crucial key to healthy slimming.
Step 5. Achieving Key Hormone Balance
Fat makes hormones that either help you burn fat or make you store more. Hormone levels change as you age, so keeping them balanced is critical for maintaining youthful metabolism and a younger looking, slimmer and healthier body.
Bonus Tips
You do not have to invent the wheel all over again. The final section of my book offers the two most important things that you can do for getting help with your body fat loss. Rather than tell you about them here, I will leave them as a surprise for you when you get your download copy. You can get more information and directions on how to get your copy free of charge here: Belly Fat Book.
All the best on the science of body fat loss,
Dr. D
Dr. Clark,
I cannot seem to download your Belly Fat Book. HELP!!
Hi, Carrie:
I’ve sent you the link by email. Let me know if you still have any trouble.
All the best,