Nachos are a staple food here in the Southwest. Unfortunately, they contain way too many carbs for any serious weight loss recipes. If you’ve still got to have your nachos, here is way to make them without ruining your progress. It certainly is a hit at our house.
Weight Loss Recipes for the Long Haul
I am continually looking for tasty dishes that will be helpful for my own long-term weight management. My general approach is to stay low carb and have plenty of protein and fat to be sure that I get the right amount of the right kind of calories. The key is to discover recipes that are appealing enough that I look forward to them.
The inspiration for my new dish hit me while I was idling at a stop light, wondering what I could grab for dinner on the way home. My mind kept wandering to nachos, even though I wasn’t really wanting to have a plate of corn chips. At first I thought I’d just have to put the whole idea out of mind.
During the low-carb craze a few years ago I probably would have stopped by my local low-carb store and picked up some soy-protein chips. Of course, lots of great soy-based low-carb products ended up tasting more like cardboard than anything else. (Doesn’t everyone know the flavor of cardboard?) What about a better substitute for chips, I wondered? The inspiration I got was for a radically different substitute for corn chips: thin slices of yellow squash. Doesn’t everyone love yellow squash?
All I did was slice up a squash, spread out the slices on a plate, put a bit of cheese on each slice, and heat it up until the cheese melted. Actually, I nuked it in the microwave oven for about a minute. Then I slathered it with my favorite nacho add-ons: guacamole, picante sauce, and a little bit of sour cream.
Take a look at what the final product ended up looking like, in comparison with a standard nacho dish.

Okay, you can tell that I made up this photo so it would look interesting. Nevertheless, it gives you a good idea of what I am talking about.
Did it fool my taste buds? No way! Was it delicious anyway? You bet!. Even my taste-tester (Eve) gave it thumbs up. This is clearly a new recipe idea whose time has come. It sure makes it easier to fight off the desire for those old corn chip nachos.
I can hardly wait to introduce this new dish to my tailgating friends at the next football game!
I hope you enjoy it!
How Do You Like It?
I am always curious about how my new recipes go over with others …too hairbrained? …godawful from the get-go? …brilliant? So please let me know what you think about my new nachos. Maybe you’ve made the dish, or maybe you haven’t yet. Maybe you’ve come up with ideas to improve it. Hey, I’m open.
Just leave your question or comment at the bottom of this post and tell me what you think. I look forward to hearing from you!
All the best for new weight loss recipes,
Dr. D
Thank you as always for your great information, wisdom and wit! I swear I am going to come to AZ to meet you and your wife during travels some day. My husband and I have kept our weight off and our measurable health parameters in order (cholesterol, triglycerides etc) for TWO years now after our original HCG plan. Admittedly we did a reboot when we saw a wrong direction when there was error to our ways (weighs) following a vacation to Hawaii, followed by Thanksgiving followed by the Christmas holiday. BUT want to share our take on what we do at our favorite Southwestern or Mexican Fare restaurant.
We arrive with our bag of celery as they never seem to have enough. We order guacamole, and we break up about 2-3 chips on top. We pour some of the picante sauce over the top and DIP the CELERY and have them remove the chips.
WOW delicious. WE have folks asking the waiters if they can order what we have. You would think the restaurant would get the hint. Folks would like to change if only the options existed. There are also skinny margaritas available. The best so far is really the Sinless Margarita, made by UGA (university of GA) girls. Way to go girls. Love your work Dr. D. Love following you! Mikki
Hi, Mikki:
Thank you once again for your kind comments. I’m glad you came over from to visit me on this blog, too. It sounds as though you have a good handle on what to do after hCG, so I hope my other readers here pay attention to your comments. Of course, your pointers on Mexican restaurants are especially pertinent for us folks here in Arizona. Special thanks for the heads up on Sinless Margaritas ( The mix is sweetened with Stevia…my favorite non-sugar sweetener! If you ever make it to our neighborhood for a visit, we will host a happy hour at Clark’s Bar and Grill, featuring Sinless Margaritas and celery ‘chips’.
All the best,
Great idea with the squash! Ill have to try that.Truly,its the toppings we crave more than the crunch anyway….sort of.
I have an idea. I like “kale crisps” .Basically you toss a tad bit of olive oil on 2 inch size kale pieces and sprinkle with just a bit of sea salt[not too much because the kale shrinks in the oven. Pop them in the oven at 275 for no more than 20 minutes and yum! Im thinkin you could maybe use these for nachos also….hmmm, food for thought anyway. just make sure the kale peices are coated well with the oil to make them crispy.And dont save them.They dont seem to stay crispy after awhile.
Btw, I just love EVE!! Whenever I call about HCG related info, she is such a sweetheart and we always seem to chat about one thing or another.Just love her.Thanks for all you both do.
Wow! Thank you for your kind words, Andi.