The MLM company Xyngular offers a set of four products (Core4) for weight management. These formulas have little or no scientific evidence behind them, in spite of claims about being clinically proven to stimulate weight loss. Here is some information that you might want to know before buying the Xyngular Core4 products for weight loss.
The CORE4 Experience
I don’t want to take a chance on misquoting anything that the company offers, so I have taken information directly from the main website or from distributors’ websites whenever I could find it. Numerous websites promoting this product line are available on the internet, since many distributors have websites that offer it. The CORE4 Experience is summarized in the following:

Searching for Clinical Evidence
Of course it was no great surprise to me that, when searching my favorite medical database at the National Institutes of Health (PubMed), I found no research articles using the search term ‘xyngular’. Research on weight loss supplements is rarely published in association with company names, especially MLM companies.
It seems puzzling, therefore, to read the comment that, “CORE4 is a clinically proven, holistic, and simple four-step, four pill approach to stimulating weight loss, increasing your energy, and generating optimal health.” This is a highly loaded set of health claims. Of particular interest is the claim about weight loss, which skirts FDA control. The FDA ‘owns’ such claims so to speak. In spite of what the overview comments say above, every individual product page carries the required FDA disclaimer (in an extra small font). Hmm.
I do think it is a good concept to address the importance of core muscle groups for building overall strength and fitness, though. This is a key to many workout programs. I am not sure, however, whether this is what ‘designed to tackle the core area of the body’ means on the label.
Ah, now we’re getting somewhere. The claims on this product page are astounding. I’ll dispense with analyzing the language on this label, since it offers some real doozies in logic. Let’s skip right to the ingredients and see what might be useful for weight loss.

The amount of B-12 is vanishingly small, so it is not worth discussing.
Chromium picolinate is backed by research evidence for its ability to help suppress insulin spikes. However, most of the science is weak, since dosages in research studies are too low. The dosage in ACCELERATE is even lower. I’ve written about chromium picolinate research on another blog here: Weak Science Behind Studies Of Chromium Picolinate For Weight Loss.
The proprietary blend of herbs includes several that contain caffeine: green tea, guarana, oolong tea, and kola nut. The best herb for weight loss on this list is green tea, although published research shows that extracts must be prepared specifically to enhance bioavailability if they are going to be helpful for weight loss. (See: Boosting Green Tea Weight Loss.) ACCELERATE does not contain this type of green tea extract because the label does not cite the trademark name for that formula.
ACCELERATE is not worth buying. You would do better to get an inexpensive, high-dose chromium picolinate product and take 1,000 to 2,000 mcg per day. And you could expect better results with a green tea extract that gives you a clinical dose of a bioavailability-enhanced formula (again, see: Boosting Green Tea Weight Loss).
CORE4 Products – FLUSH
The list of 3 claims is, again, astounding, especially in light of what is known about the ingredients in FLUSH.

Somebody put this ingredients list together in a hurry, since they misspelled the name of the main ingredient in the proprietary formula: ‘Seena’ should be ‘Senna’. (Maybe after someone from Xyngular reads this, they will correct it.) Ignoring that little quality control red flag for the moment, the first ingredient in FLUSH is a laxative, the second ingredient is a source of fiber. Neither these, nor the other herbs in the formula, qualifies as an ingredient that will ‘Boost fat burning’. Can they support weight loss? Maybe. Can they decrease bloating to create a flatter stomach. This claim doesn’t make any sense.
FLUSH is not worth buying. If you are constipated, get either a senna product (capsules or tea) or a psyllium husk fine powder. Both are inexpensive and commonly available at any nutrition store. Do not use them together.
CORE4 Products – LEAN
This looks like a superior protein source for using as a meal replacement or as a dietary supplement for getting more calories from protein per day. I wouldn’t buy into any of the health claims on the label as being anything special, though. Any good protein powder will provide the same.

I like LEAN because it has no sugar or sneaky carbohydrates. However, in ‘Other Ingredients’ (see full label on any Xyngular website), it lists two sweeteners: acesulfame potassium (an artificial sweetener) and Stevia (an herbal sweetener). It would have been a better formula if it used only Stevia by itself. Indeed, LEAN contains more acesulfame potassium than Stevia, because acesulfame potassium is listed ahead of Stevia in the ingredients list.
Since one of the main sources of protein is soy, it would be nice to know whether it is from GMO or non-GMO crops. If you don’t know what that means, then don’t worry about it. It is a useful marketing bullet point if products are non-GMO.
LEAN is worth buying. However, I have my own favorite protein powders and see no reason to switch from them to LEAN. In fact, the protein powders that I consume are better for me because they do not have any artificial sweeteners at all. This is an absolute requirement for me, although you have to decide on that point on your own.
CORE4 Products – CHEAT
The whole concept behind eliminating calories from the food you eat is ridiculous. It is much, much better to just eat the right foods. I understand that desperate dieters may require some help, though. And CHEAT may provide it. On the other hand, it should not be viewed as a long-term strategy in place of good dietary and lifestyle habits.

It is hard to see how far the reach in health claims on this label goes, in comparison with actual data. I could find no clinical trials on ‘konnyuko’ (aka, ‘konjac’) that supported any claim on this label. The closest commentary that I could find regarding ‘Clinically proven to reduce weight’ is in a post by my friend, Dr. Michael Murray, here: Natural Support for Diabetes and Blood Sugar Control. Glucomannans from konjac root are an important fiber in a product called PGX that is marketed for weight loss.
One curious thing about this label is the note about ‘Patent Pending’. It appears on the product label page, although it is absent from the pdf file of the flier on this product. Xyngular has made it very difficult to find any pending patent application on this product at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, which is where I go to dig up patents that are pending. Either it is there and I couldn’t find it within about 30 minutes of searching, or it isn’t really there.
It is hard to tell whether this product is worth buying. I would instead recommend the PGX product, since I know the research behind it and I know and trust the doctor who endorses it (i.e., Dr. Murray). I have spoken with Dr. Murray about PGX and know that he has had tremendous success treating his patients for weight loss with it. Moreover, the PGX product line is easy to find at any nutrition store.
With my two cents on Xyngular products,
Dr. D
What is the protein that you use? Thank you!
Hi, Kim…I prefer whey protein concentrate…All the best, Dennis
Dr. Clark,
I really enjoyed the information you shared with the Xyngular diet that I have shared with numerous patients, who ask me about it. Many that sell the product were offended because I believe it put a dent into their potential pyramid profits.
I was wondering if you had any similar research information on the Thrive, and Plexus diets.
Thank you,
Best Regards,
Dr. Johnson
Hi, Dr. Johnson…
Thanks for your comment. I haven’t looked into those two other diets. However, I will do so soon.
All the best,
Dennis Clark
Is there a replacement for Xyng? It says to take Xyng first thing in the morning on empty stomach, about 30-60 minutes before eating.
Hi, Faye…It is not worth taking at any time…All the best, Dennis