The Meridia weight loss pill hit the news again. This time it became newsworthy because Abbott Laboratories has pulled it off the market. Meridia follows in a long line of weight loss drugs that fail to work and often have disastrous side effects. Here is why this and all other weight loss drugs fail. [Read more…]
Failure Of Natural Weight Loss Supplements
Scientists argue that natural weight loss supplements do not work. Could it be that they are influenced by financial support from big drug companies that make weight loss drugs? Here is my perspective on the latest scientific commentary on weight loss and what it means in reality. [Read more…]
FDA Weight Loss Hypocrisy
The market for FDA weight loss drugs is expected to reach 2 billion dollars by the end of 2010. That is nothing compared with the target of the FDA, which is the entire 55 billion dollar per year industry for weight loss products and services. Regulating the weight loss industry is all about money and little to do with weight loss or even good health. [Read more…]