The best diet to lose weight fast may already be in your kitchen. Your individual results may demand a different strategy than someone else. Here is some information that will help you decide what is best for you. [Read more…]
Fat Loss Hormone Balance
It occurred to me that the post that I put up on my HCG site would be great information for BellyFatScience, too. So without further ado, take a look at what has being going on the world of science about fat loss hormones. [Read more…]
Best Fat For Fat Loss – You Already Have It
- Image via Wikipedia
The Most Important Fat For Fat Loss
If you haven’t heard about the type of fat in your body that is called brown fat (or, BAT for brown adipose tissue), then you are in for a pleasant surprise. This is the kind of fat that makes your body burn fat that you do not want. Yup, you can get one type of fat fighting off another type of fat. What fun! [Read more…]
Fatten Up With High Fructose Corn Syrup
High fructose corn syrup is bad news in so many ways. First off, fructose is not the benign sugar that it has been widely acclaimed to be. Its low Glycemic Index means nothing. Fructose is the most lipogenic (fat building) sugar of all, even more than table sugar. [Read more…]
Fat Loss Pills Can Make You Fatter!
Fat loss pills have their advantages and disadvantages. They may work and they may not. This often depends on how they are incorporated into lifestyle changes. [Read more…]