Success on the slow carb diet depends on an effective breakfast. Although making a good breakfast every day can be a hassle, here is a simple and quick recipe that is sure to warm the hearts of busy moms, non-cooking bachelors, and others who have to hurry in the morning.
A Slow Carb Diet Breakfast – Protein and Veggies
The link to the video that I found and posted here came from Timothy Ferriss’ book, ‘The 4-Hour Body’. He advocates the slow carb diet for burning fat and building lean body mass. It is a very effective way of eating for this purpose.
Fortunately for those of us who object to cooking an elaborate meal, especially at breakfast, or to cooking at all, Tim provides this short video of how he makes one of his favorite breakfasts.
No matter how you put this dish together, these are the key ingredients:
Eggology (100 percent egg whites)
Spinach (bought already chopped and frozen)
Flaxseed oil
Lemon juice
Salt and pepper
Salsa (any brand with little added sugar or salt)
Regardless of however you put these ingredients together, it won’t matter so much as how easy it is to do so. Tim makes two dishes out of it, one of the egg whites and one of the spinach. He may even add lentils as a third dish to the meal. Here is how he does it ‘bachelor style’:
A Couple of Recommended Changes
First off, I cringe at the notion of ever cooking in plastic containers in a microwave oven. Microwave cooking is just fine, although plastics can and do leach unwanted chemicals into your food when you cook in plastic container. So one small change that I suggest is to use glass or pyrex. The effort and the clean-up will be the same as what Tim does.
The only other change that I myself make in this recipe is to use whole eggs. There is nothing wrong with egg yolks, although they carry an unwarranted bad reputation. Just be sure to whip them up before you microwave them. Otherwise, eggs have a tendency to explode in a microwave oven. (Trust me…this is the voice of experience here.)
That’s about it. This is a simple breakfast that takes very little time to prepare or to clean up. It won’t match a good protein shake for ease of preparation. However, I don’t want to start out every day with a protein shake. Do you? I have to have some real food, too!
Happy cooking on the slow carb diet,
Dr. D
That was a very easy recipe and I am like you I don’t like cooking in plastic in the microwave because I am always afraid even though it says microwave safe that is will still melt or something. You have a great article here and I think if you could update the video every now and then with a different recipe it would get many followers.
This does sound very simple, I eat eggs for breakfast all the time because I have been eating low carb for a few years now but what I don’t get is there just aren’t that many different recipes to eat. You have given me one here but do you know where you can go to find more that are easy like this? I appreciate your help here keep up the good work.
Sometimes I think that the low carb diet is better than the slow carb diet because on a slow carb diet you are still allowed to eat certain breads and things and I think that will be to easy to just slip and eat a regular piece every now and then and that is when you start falling back into your old habits. Thank you for posting this that is just my opinion.
I have cooked eggs in the microwave before and you are right they will explode sometimes but I was wondering how you prevent them from turning rubbery in consistency? This is driving me crazy because I know there has to be a way to do it and make my morning so much faster. That way I won’t run late for work because of breakfast, try explaining that one.
I am reading all over the place that I am supposed to eat breakfast but I am so busy in the morning that I very rarely have time to make anything for breakfast so this quick and easy recipe is going to do wonders for my diet I think. The simpler the better so keep’em coming if you would. Thank you so much for your help.
I don’t always have veggies in the morning but I do have eggs all the time. Is it not recommended to have breakfast meat like bacon and sausage? I have sausage with my eggs every morning so I would really like to know. I am shocked that fruit is so bad for you because of the natural sugars that are in them and that some of them are so full of carbs.
I love breakfast foods but unfortunately it is mainly the bad ones for you like pancakes etc. so the easier the recipe the quicker I can get in and out of the kitchen the better off I will be. How do you go about getting your entire family to go on this diet with you? Then I could get rid of all the food I shouldn’t be eating in the first place.
I do not tend to rely solely on nutrition for weight loss because it makes sense that you can double your efforts if you combine healthy eating with exercise. Nevertheless, this recipe seems like an easy to assemble dish that is tasty, too. I am glad you streamed this instructional video. Just watching it motivates you because it wets your appetite.
I love eggs and meat. I often order some sort of meat lover’s omelets or a classic steak and eggs breakfast when I’m eating at a diner. I think I would enjoy this breakfast recipe very much. It sounds so enjoyable, I could eat it for breakfast every day if that would help me get to the goals I have of reducing my waist size by 4 inches.